Funding Expectations & Eligibility Requirements

The Central Electric Inspection Bureau (“CEIB”) is accepting applications for funding.  CEIB is a nonprofit organization that works to ensure electrical safety; focusing on electrical inspections in the city of Youngstown and Mahoning County.  It is the intent of the CEIB to further its purpose to promote electrical safety as well as to generally promote the electrical field and other trades/vocations throughout Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana County.

Each year a committee of CEIB board members will review CEIB funding applications and make recommendations to our Board of Directors.  An organization being considered for CEIB support must meet all CEIB eligibility requirements.  These requirements were adopted by the CEIB’s Board to ensure all permitted funds meet legal and organizational requirements.  If an organization does not meet all of the eligibility requirements, it will not be considered for funding.  Therefore, we ask that you review the following information prior to submitting an application.

The following are eligibility requirements and expectations for organizations:

    • The non-profit organization must submit an application for a project(s) that addresses a need within the electrical field and/ or a project that promotes the trades/vocations in the electrical field. 
    • Each funding application must clearly identify and describe the project, the project budget, the amount of requested funds along with details has to how the requested funds will be used. 
    • The requesting organization must be a non-profit organization servicing Mahoning, Trumbull or Columbiana County and have federal tax-exempt status under IRS Code 501(c)(3); or a non-501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whereby funds are distributed for a specific project that are in the furtherance of CEIB’s charitable purpose.
    • The requesting organization must demonstrate that it has a responsible governance structure meeting the requirements set forth in the organization’s by-laws. Evidence of responsible governance includes, but is not limited to:

a.         Proof of sound fiscal management

b.         Adoption and implementation of a conflict-of-interest policy

c.         Proof of regular board meetings and attendance by board members

d.         Effective committee structure

e.         Required board member training

f.          Budget development and monitoring process

g.         Substantive and clear meeting minutes

h.         Periodic review and update of by-laws

i.          Purchase of officers and directors’ insurance

    • The organization must have a policy and demonstrate a practice of non-discrimination as it relates to the operation of the organization, including service delivery, on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, physical or mental health, sexual orientation or any characteristic protected by law.
    • The Organization must comply with applicable federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations.

*Please note the CEIB Board shall have full discretion on allocation of funds, and may deviate from the requirements listed above.